Apps by Robert Cain

Newcastle University App

Frequently Asked Questions

Note: Newcastle University IT Service are not responsible for the content of this page. Any comments or plans are my own.

If you are having any problems, make sure you have updated to the latest release available on the App Store. These answers only cover version 1.0 to 2.1.1. For version 3.0 and beyond contact IT Service using the feedback form.


Devices & iOS

Where is the Android version?

The App was created for a competition. I am active iOS user and do not have any Android devices for testing. The University provides a mobile website for cross platform use and have released their own Android App based on the website.

Why are the University News articles not displaying correctly?

Regularly updating to the latest release should prevent this problem. University News web pages are not mobile optimised so the App applies extra formatting. This may require occasional fixes when they change the University website.


Why do I need login so often?

Update to the latest version to use the improved login system. If you still need to login in often please report the problem using the In-App Feedback option or online form

Why is my full name displayed?

This is just to show that you are logged in and is only used for the Timetable and Printing personalised features.

The 'Known as' name you provide to the University is not available to the App. It displays your full name, similar to many other Apps.


Why does Timetable show events for last year or wrong dates?

This is fixed in update 1.3, please update the App more often.

Why does Timetable show only one room for events in multiple rooms?

This is fixed in update 1.1, please update the App more often.

Why is there no Month View on iPad?

This entire view is not compatible with iPad screen size and needs to be redesigned. I hope to enable a similar view in a later update.

Why can I not view my Personal/Personalised Timetable?

Personal Timetable is only available to Undergraduates in Stage 2 or above.

If you meet these requirements and are still having problems please contact us using the feedback form.

Why does the Updating take so long or timeout?

The University Timetable system can sometimes can be quite slow and gets especially overloaded during the start of each semester.

I'm looking into speeding up the initial Loading of previously downloaded timetables, even if I cannot speed up the Updating.


How do I find the location of a PC/Cluster room?

More detail about each cluster room is available by selecting a room from the Find a PC list. In the detail view the room location can be displayed on a map by selecting the location code (second cell with the indicator). You can also display one or all cluster rooms on the new Map.

Why does the Campus Map not show where I am?

The Campus Map was originally static PDF file. Update to the latest version and check you have enabled Location access for the App in Settings.


Why are Printing credit updates only available on campus?

The University IT service currently restricts external access to Printing information.

You can still update the information outside of campus Wi-Fi by connecting to the VPN or view it online by choosing 'Printing Information Online' and logging in with your Campus account.


Why doesn't VoiceOver work correctly?

A problem in iOS 5 causes a display issue for the App interface. It is fixed in iOS 6, a free update available to all App supported iOS devices. We also hope to add iOS 5 VoiceOver compatibility in a future update.

Additional Features

Can you add...?

This App is no longer under active development by Robert Cain. To request additional features use Feedback in the App or contact IT Service.

Can you add lecture notes or stuff I usually get from Blackboard?

No but you can access a lot of this directly in Blackboard Mobile Learn App.

Will you include Email in the App?

In Summer 2012 the University IT Service changed Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate student email over to Office365. This includes the ability to access email accounts directly on mobile devices e.g. Mail on iOS, instead of always via the email website. Staff and Postgraduate Research students already have this access enabled.

An email feature within the App would just display the email website, a more limited experience compared to Mail App and no better than opening it in Safari. For these reason we chose not include an email feature.